
What would be our best source of renewable energy? And how will we replace or fuel the automobile with it?

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What would be our best source of renewable energy? And how will we replace or fuel the automobile with it?




  1. hemp, easy to grow and process

  2. Solar energy is the best source of  renewable energy, it can be used for batteries for cars. From

  3. Solar Energy. This can be solar driven winds, to drive windmills, or solar radiation energy converted to electricity with solar cell panels.

    Also, walking and bicycles and even motorcycles.

    The British sell a motorcycle powered by Hydrogen Gas and the German BMW 7 has a switch to use Hydrogen gas instead of gasoline. Europeans are marching ahead.

    New solar cells from Silicon Valley promise the highest energy conversion efficiency. It will on the market by next year.

    As Hydrogen gas becomes available, the increase in gasoline price will drive the use of Hydrogen.

    Gasoline stations may make Hydrogen, using surplus electric power, when available, and stay in business while gasoline sales drop, until they are banned.

    Oil and Natural Gas will probably be used by Electric Power Plants in the cleanest form possible.

    We have to use some the oil and gas for a few years.

  4. You are so focused on the automobile.   It is not a necessity of life.    You can walk, ride a bike, ride a horse.  None use gasoline.   The automanufacturers are the ones who are freakin.

  5. I"m glad to see that many people are seeing that solar electric is the future. I agree, but then I live in the sun belt. Other parts of the country (World) will need different power sources. Hydro-electric is clean. Wind turbines can be a partial answer. Tides and waves can be harnessed to generate electricity with no pollution. Bio-fuels like ethanol and bio-diesel are renewable but they still produce carbon when you burn them. What we need is a power source that does not produce carbon dioxide. So far solar electric is the only one.

  6. People have their favorites, but....

    This is a big problem.  We'll need all our tools.  Nuclear, solar, wind, biofuels.

    The jury is still out on whether hydrogen or batteries are a better way to get power to cars.  One idea is batteries for the city, hydrogen for long trips.

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