People keep posting in the M+F section that they wouldn't believe in real vampires without proof. IMO, being skeptical and wanting proof is good. But what would consitute proof for you?
Let's start with psychic vampirism as a theoretical phenomenon. How would you try to prove or disprove it's existance?
Would Kirilian photos like these be proof?
Would aura photos like these be proof?
Don Henrie and a couple helpers supposedly drained a skeptic of enough energy on an episode of "Mad, Mad House" make the guy collapse. If this trick could be repeated by other self-professed psi-vamps, would that be proof?
I read a suggestion of using heat sensing devices, like those used to look for ghosts, to see if heat is transfered from a donor to a psi-vamp. What do you think of that as a test?
Any other ideas?