
What would be reasonable?

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I have to write an essay about "why I want to be a nurse" to get into the nursing program at my college. I don't want to be too short and look like I didn't put any effort into it or too long and annoy them. Around how many pages would be decent?




  1. Look to see if they have a limit, many only want a short statement since they have so many to look at. Keep it Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced. One page would probably be OK, and you probably want it to be under 2 pages.

    The most important thing is the content. You could write a great essay that gets the right point across in under a page or you could write three pages of generic nonsense. Don't babble for pages about wanting to "help people". Don't even use something close to the phrase "I want to help people" or "I like to help people". They will have heard that a lot. Re-word it a little so its less generic, and have some other reasons too. Lots of people think only about helping people, and then drop out when they see that it isn't just about handing someone a pill, holding their hand, and having patients thank them. Show that you are really interested in the job. Are you interested in learning about diseases? Do you like being able to solve problems? Any work experiences (if you are a CNA write about that) or personal experiences would be good, but try not to get too mushy gushy about your grandma with cancer and her nice nurse.

    Good luck!

  2. i would do 1-11/2 pages because you're in college and less than 1 page would be too short but you wouldn't wan't to go over more than you need to because then it would be too long.

  3. i would say just write it to the best of your ability and see how many pages it turns out to be.  My AP teacher always told me, it's not about the length, it's about the content.  don't drag on and make it too long, but don't make it too short and make it look like it's not your best work.  it should reflect what your work ethic will be the rest of the year.

  4. 1 page size 12 times new roman is what I have always done. Don't make it waffle or boring

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