
What would be some good tattoo ideas for a tribute to losing weight?

by  |  earlier

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I recently lost weight after gaining it and i am now back down to my regular size of 12. 150lbs and i want to get a tribute to my weight loss. something that signifies change on the right side of my stomach. possibly from the slightly above my hip to about my ribcage. any ideas????




  1. butterfly.its always resembles freedom.maybe a butterfly or a bird sneering flower n at the background sun is rising.Its like u (bird /butterfly)become a new person and enjoying life and living your best life(flower)and the (sunrise) for the happiness that u achieve everyday no matter what goes wrong the sun will be rising everday..just some thought..

  2. Get a picture of this guy and tell everyone he was your trainerr try the Little Jack exercie program  

  3. a daisy or flower with a measuring tape wrapped around it - maybe like a memorial ribbon

    like this ribbon is done

    heck even this would be good for the tattoo just change the pink ribbon to the measuring tape

  4. How did you lose weight?  You could incorporate activities or sports, walking shoes, anything - including the date when you reached your goal.  You could also include vegetables or fruits or something like that.  I've always liked how eggplants look.  Or a scale being smashed by a fist or by a bolt of lightning.

    That's assuming you want something very literal.  Did you have any mantras you used to keep going?  I think a single work there, maybe in an ellipse or swashed letter work could be great.  Find a way to connect these things to you and reinforce your commitment.  Even something like a pair of + and - signs - a positive change, the negative for losing weight.  It's hard to signify change anywhere else but in your mind and the associations the tattoo will bring up.

  5. How about a beached whale being freed back into the ocean

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