
What would be some outward signs that a child might be bypolar?

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What would be some outward signs that a child might be bypolar?




  1. * Child is extremely irritable

        * Child is sleeping very little, but still extremely energetic

        * Talking very raidly

        * Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next (not being able to focus during conversation)

        * Highly distractible, unable to concentrate

        * Acting recklessly

    If you have any reason to think the child may be bipolar I suggest you head to the doctor and get it figured out for sure.

  2. Here are some things to look for:

    Separation Anxiety

    Rages & Explosive Temper Tantrums

    Marked Irritability

    Oppositional Behavior/Defies authority

    Frequent Mood Swings




    Restlessness/ Fidgetiness

    Silliness, Goofiness, Giddiness

    Racing Thoughts

    Aggressive Behavior

    Risk-Taking Behaviors

    Depressed Mood


    Low Self-Esteem

    Difficulty Getting Up in the Morning

    Social Anxiety

    Oversensitivity to Emotional or Environmental Triggers

    Sometimes the child will be perfectly sweet and just fine.  But other times, they are out of control.  A lot of bipolar children are very bright and do well in school when their moods are under control.

  3. Our son has been diagnosed as BiPolar.  It can seem a lot like ADHD, OCD, ODD, and Anxiety Disorder all rolled into one, keep that in mind.  He can have rages that last for hours if I won't take him to McD's or if he doesn't get his way... yet other times he is the sweetest child you could ever hope to meet.  He is hyper, literally climbing the walls in the hallway from time to time.  He can't focus on some things, yet can do something he enjoys quietly for hours.  It isn't "normal", as in a child having a temper tantrum, but it is to the extreme.  There are nights where he will stay up until 4am... then wake at 8am and be fine all day.  He does things on purpose just to annoy other people, and he takes delight when others are aggravated with him.  He is very sensitive to things, too.  He has no fear and doesn't feel mild to moderate pain. There are so many other things, I can't possibly type it all here... but it's a starting point for you.

  4. What that person said up there, lol . I knew from a couple of experiences. People who are bipolar are usually really moody too, and they can get pretty angry and irritated easily!

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