
What would be the advantages and disadvantages of splitting USA into East America and West America???

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Where would be a good border? Mississippi River? Rocky Mountains??

Any states that you would banish all together or states you would combine together??




  1. Huh, it would suck, i like America just the way it is.....for now

  2. They might fight.

  3. I would vote for further dividing the east coast into north and south.  Our problems (dixie) and their problems are completely different.  In all honesty the US is too large and diverse to be ruled by one centralized government.  Alaska has about as much in common as Georgia as I do to a Tibetan Monk.

  4. I would have to say it could happen!!!!  But it might start a war... but then there would be more people coming to america!!!!

  5. I would move the southern states under the name outback america.

  6. disadvantages are of course starting a war with eachother such as north and south Korea

    and im sorry but i dont know advantages

  7. *****OK, just for S & G's, let's split at the Mississippi River.  

    Advantage:  Separate governments would be more able to adapt to more specific needs as they arose.  More attention to detail and productivity.

    Disadvantage:  Citizens would take advantage of differences in laws and rulings by geographically setting up the proper jurisdiction for the desired outcome.

    Interesting Idea, but it'll never happen!

  8. The Mississippi River would be a good boundry, but that would split up the states of Louisiana and Minnesota into 2 seperate states each.

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