
What would be the average length of a light rail system?

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What would be the average length of a light rail system?




  1. Depends where it is. Light rail is usually used in cities for trains only carrying passengers. Depends on the size of the city. Maybe forty or fifty k would be tops. Once you leave the burbs you tend to get the heavy freighters and need the heavier rail. Hope this helps

  2. In New Jersey, length of lightrail systems are:

    Hudson-Bergen Lightrail systems are 33.2km (20.6 miles)

    RiverLine are 34 mi (55 km)

  3. Anything from a few miles to an entire network covering a city or linking towns and cities in a region.

    The best example of this is Switzerland, where light rail can mean a short line taking tourists to the top of a mountain, a widespread narrow-gauge network like the Rhaetian Railway, or anything in between.

    Also includes tram systems which vary equally in size.

  4. Richard,

    Light rail systems (LRTs) usually are only as long as the city in where they are located (if they are even that long) so a length of anything over, say, 25 miles is typically pretty big for an LRT (particularly new systems, which usually start out at just a few miles to gauge its popularity with the public and/or connect two certain points).  A good website for LRTs is Light Rail Now, which keeps up with the latest goings-on around the country.

  5. our light rail system has 17 stations, how far do you think it will go?

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