
What would be the best camera for me?-?

by  |  earlier

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just for photography as a hobby

i need a camera that's easy to use (not too complicated, but still high resolution and a good variety of settings), and not too expensive.

does anybody know one that would be good for me? thanks!!




  1. Well how casual of a hobby. If it's something you're passionate about I suggest getting an analogue camera, with some lenses, but that'll run you some money.

    If it's more of a light hearted thing. A small pocket sized canon works well. You want something with descent optical zoom, digital zoom is for suckers trust me on that one. Get something with image stabilization, and rapid fire. (good for parties) you need a flash of course, and really features like color tints and night vision are sort of useless. You're better off just loading them on a computer to color correct and such. Also you might want to make sure it has a descent auto focus. (Unless you want analogue which should have manual focus, which is better for more arty pictures.)

  2. i have this one, & i love it!

    it's super easy to use, and the pictures come out great!

    it also has lots of different settings for different places

    where you are taking your pictures.

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