
What would be the best car to drive to Bangkok in?

by Guest67073  |  earlier

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Need something reliable, easy to repair, cheapish anything that you think could stand up to the journey.

That's London to Bangkok by the way




  1. I'm with colin on the toyota pick up front - but it would have to be an OLD one, not one of these poncy new versions - wouldn't last five minutes! either that or an old LR defender :)

  2. An old diesel Merc (70s - early 80s). Reliable, and known worldwide. If it does break in outer Mongolia, someone there will have the bits to fix it.

  3. This has to be a car that is reliable and that has a very good MPG.

    I would recommend a Honda Civic or even something as low key as a Citroen C3. This zis becasue the cars are relatively well reliable and they have exceptional MPG.

    But for you it would have to be a Citroen C3-Try to egt one from newspapers and car catalogues,i would recommend a carauction to purchase one.

  4. I'd look at all the exotic bangers, Mercs, luxo barges and fun little sports cars on ebay and end up handing over £750 for an 8v Golf GTi.

    They're a great compromise for driving fun, cruising endlessly in some comfort, are reliable and sturdy, may help you keep a fairly low profile, are easy to fix, have reasonable fuel consumption, are quite safe, the performance is reasonable and resale value when you get to a far flung corner of the world should be pleasing as well.

    In truth it won't do anything you ask of it brilliantly, but it will do everything you ask of it competently. Given the different scenarios you are going to face, that's no bad thing.

    Regardless of what you take, have fun - and good luck!

  5. a plane no way a car go drive all that far lmao

  6. an 80's ford ,if i remember they were quite easy to repair. The trip sounds fun ,better than flying got any room?

  7. Old Toyota Hi Lux or Mitsubishi L200.

    Peugeot 405 diesel (Basic, non turbo) - sold all over the world. Economic. Reliable.

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