
What would be the best for picture day? [pictures]?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so Wednesday is 9th Grade picture day, and I don't know what to wear. I was thinking of wearing a black american eagle shirt, skinny jeans, hoop earrings, and my hair straightened and bumped. it looks like this -


and, a juicy couture necklace. is that good? any other suggestions? thanks [:

***OH, and do you think i would look better brunette rather than my current blonde highlights? thanks =]




  1. First of all, I'm thinking you may have a bit to much going on with the necklace AND hoop earrings. I'd leave out the hoop earrings and just stick with the necklace instead. As for the hairstyle, I'm not so sure about the bump- it does look cute in real life but in photographs the justice isn't usually done. I'm thinking you should just leave your bangs down or your hair down and then curl your hair with some beachy curls/waves- that would look great! Either that or just leave it down and straightened as you can't go wrong with that, in ten years you won't regret the picture as you're not wearing your hair in a "trendy" way but in such a way that will always stay in style for a long time. Oh and I think you'd look AWESOME as a brunette- I can totally picture you with super dark chocolate brown hair~ Hope I've helped & GL xx

  2. no stay blonde, trust me it looks good, and yeah that hairstyle is super cute:} and your outfit sounds just right to me.

  3. It doesn't matter what you wear, they only see you from your shoulders and up  

  4. omg ur so pretty that looks great and no i think blond suits u well:D

  5. I think you should ask your friends in REAL LIFE if you should wear that outfit and if your hair would look good blonde or brunette, instead of people on the internet that you don't even know. Sound like a good plan? Because they obviously will give you the best advice since they actually know you.  

  6. love juicy couture so keep the necklace and the hair the outfit sounds great good look and i dont recomend u use that face 4 ur pic lol.......jk:)

  7. that sounds really cute!

  8. oh dear god, i wish i could give your wardrobe a makeover.

  9. Yeah, sounds nice. I'd skip the hoops, personally and wear some bright studs to add some colour or a bright bangle or something.

    Maybe funky shoes to add some colour?

    I think you would look nice equally current blond or brunette.

  10. yea its really pretty =] its perfect =]

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