
What would be the best idea to raise funds for a student council?

by  |  earlier

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Any solid idea to share with me.Its a non-for-profit task.




  1. I agree with bull. I'd only add that don't go to the specialty companys to buy your candy. Sam's Club, WalMart, Costco are just as good and cheaper.

    Remember. People who buy this from you want to support you... not some candy company.

  2. I also,  agree with bull. You may go for less priced, but good quality candy or any other item of utility or usually purchased by student community.

    Basically, persons buying item from you wish to support you...

    You may also plan, an event such as, once a year;

    Inter School (or Inter College), Declamation Competition, or Dancing Competition, or Singing Competition, or  a Musical Evening, duly sponsored by large commercial companies, as well as you can expect donations for entry passes.

    In process, you earn both ways and learn arranging event, as well as gather lot of supporters, and publicizes the causes of concern to public at large.

    With all the Best.

  3. a goodway to make good fund is to sell candy bars it might sound unoriginal but as a businessman growing up during my freshman year we bought 800 candy bars for almost 23 cents a bar and we sold it for 50/1.00 for a candy bar especially if you are in middle or high school the incoming 6th or freshman night is a huge hit where MANY parents come and just buy because it is benefit for the school we made over 500 dollars in less than 2 hours.! candy bar such as crunch reese and hershey were very popular but crunch was the moust popular item! so try it and make big money we had 5 pizza party by end of our school year good luck

    sry i forgot to add we designed our own candy covers and people loved it and bought even more and asked how we made designs!

  4. Car washes, bake sales, and raffles for decent prizes

    those are the staples of student council fund raising

    other ideas

    make some walk or 5k run people can donate or 'sponsor' runners. Say, i'll give 1 dollar to some person if he makes this 10k run/walk. And each runner will try to get as many pledges as you can.

    make a 3-3 basketball tournament where people pay to enter, and have  a prize. i set this up in high school and was decent

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