
What would be the best major in college to get a job with the FBI?

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I was wondering what would be the best thing for me to major in in college to get a job with the FBI or CIA or something like that. My buddy suggested information tec but i don't know if he is right or not, whats my best option




  1. Law or accounting

  2. The FBI hires according to needs at the time.  A good friend of mine took forensic science in college with the hope of being hired by FBI.  When he started college, the need was high.  When he graduated, with honors, the need was non-existent.  It took him 7 yrs. to get hired.  Your buddy is right in the fact that I T is the largest department within the FBI.

  3. Go here and look at the job requirements. I am thinking that your degree should be part of a backup plan, in case you would not be able to get into the FBI. It is an extremely involved hiring process; I used to work with a woman whose son was an agent.

    If they do not want a specific degree, I would choose something in Human Resources or maybe even math. Choose something specific, not broad or general. Employers want specific, targeted degrees. I think computer technology or something similar would be ideal.

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