
What would be the best method to get ex out of my head ? Please help me

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I am continuosly tourmented; My relathionship with her was for about 2 years we used to break up and get back together; the last time she broke up with me ; I tought it was just a temporary phase like the usual ones but 5 days ago she told me she found someone else but she is unsure and that she keeps on searcinh and there are a lot of good choices.She pised and burned on my feelings in that moment.

I've lost my mind and shaved my head after I talked to her.I made a decision to foget her and asked her to never contact me again... it wasn't really a problem to her.

My problem now is I see her everywere I dream her every night and I just can't let go, I know that these days she is on a vacantion with that other guy and every 30 minutes of a day I remeber and imagine them involuntarily kissing and having s*x and it hurts so much.She doesn't answer my calls.Whenever the thougts come to my head I start feeling see I feel like vomiting and my whole body shakes with pain and angfer.I have other plans in my life but i can't focus on any of them , I just whant to forget her and move on but I can't PLEASE HELP I am desperate and feel like I am losing my mind.

Dating someone else is not an option !!!




  1. I am so sorry.  If this helps (hopefully) just be thankful that you didn't marry her and had a baby.  She saved you from a horrible divorce and custody battle.  Time heals all wounds.  Just keep your cool, your pain will go away.  Try to stay busy, do something you have always wanted to do, or go do fun things with your friends.  I hate seeing or hearing about someone that has to go thru this.  Everyone has or will experience this, some more than others & you will find love again.  Do constructive things, not negative.  God Bless you & good luck.

  2. I understand that you are suffering from heartache, and an answer from me or anyone on here is not going to be enough - you have to get yourself around people that can comfort you and get your mind off of things - whether it be friends, family or even going to an emergency room if you have to....

    Please stop imagining what they 'may' be doing - which is not true, because you aren't there and don't know, you will drive yourself crazy.

    Just know that after 2 years, she obviously has deep rooted feelings for you that can't easily be replaced.

    Give things time to settle - don't act so fast and know that everything changes in time.

    Please go be with someone that you trust even if you don't want to....

  3. k hate to say it but another girl is probably the best for you but................... if u can calm down and shaving ur hed and saying i never want u to contact me isnt the best way to deal with this srry if i didnt help :(

  4. Well you can't do the first 2 things that popped into my head, a psychologist or dating someone else.

    I guess all you can do is wait... even know that is hard to do... but time will cure you!!!  In the meantime, I would just try to stay busy... no matter what.  Even if you don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything but think about this girl... do something else.

    In the long run... IF you and this girl were "meant to be" ya'll WILL end up together!!!!  Why torture yourself... especially when she's living it up!!!!  Man, I feel bad for you!!!  Keep your head up man!!  If all else fails, i'm sure you'll meet someone who dosen't take you for granted.  Or else... fake it 'ill ya make it.

  5. I think you should tell her, write how you feel in an email or text message as she isn'tt answering your calls. Try and stay calm if she does eventually talk to you, youdon'tt want to scare her or anything.

    If shedoesn'tt write back to your email/text message then sheisn'tt worth all of this pain, sorry but she is obviously a b****h if sheisn'tt willing to help you get through this.

    Also tell your friends, they're there to help after all.

    Hope this helped, good luck (Y)


  6. Give it some more time--it will get better.  I know it's hard--i've been there.  Don't call her or try and contact her--that will just make it worse for you, whether or not she answers.  Try to think of something else.

  7. Life is very hard. I can understand what you are going through. I'm dating and this would be a nightmare for me. at one of the funerals i attended, i got this phrase that may come in handy:

    time heals all wounds.

    And it's true. when someone dies or someone very dear to your heard goes away, it's hard. But in the end, it will all work out. Answer a few questions:

    Do you still like/love her?

    What are your true feelings towards her?

    Are you ready to let her go?

    Hope that helps

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