
What would be the best plan to become a high paid Pilot?

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Air force, College, Flight School?????

any ideas.....




  1. I must agree with Comair. If you are using "high paid" as the criterion for your career, then aviation is the wrong choice. You simply must choose a career because you love what you are doing. If you do that, then the pay will build up eventually, because you will be one of the few that chooses to endure all the hard times to get to the good times. Pilots are not well paid for several years, regardless of which career path they choose. I personally went through college degree / Air Force, and never regretted it. The pay was not great, but we were treated with respect, at least within the service. Of course, you must be prepared to complete the mission. I did not make a career out of flying, although I did make one out of aerospace. I loved most of it and I have been compensated well - because I put up with hard times. A career is what you make it.

  2. flight school

  3. Take my advice.

    Do NOT become a pilot for the money. It's a Long ordeal trying to get your ratings and you make barley enough to survive in the first few years in your career.

    Go to your local flight school.....

    Good luck

  4. Flight school and college.  Avoid the military.

  5. Where you get rated doesn't matter. I just retired from a high paying flying job and I never went to college. Don't know how you "plan to become a high paid pilot". I know a guy with a PhD in aeronautics and just as many ratings as me who never made any money flying airplanes. I know very gifted pilots who cannot find a job and I know some pilots who make over a quarter million a year and have no idea what they are doing in the cockpit. Like they say in boxing, after the first punch is thrown, there is no plan.

  6. Yeah these guy on here got experience so listen good to them.  I want to fly for a living for many reasons.  I wouldnt do It if there was no money and I wouldnt do it if there was money but I didnt enjoy it.  To though yourself into anything with only money in mind is foolish as youll end up a slave to the money.  Fly cos Its the only thing you ever see yourself duing. If the money flow then it flows. if it doesnt then just enjoy the view

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