
What would be the best prevention for sea sickness?

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I won a two night cruise and would love for my boyfriend to go with me, but he has informed me that he has gotten sea sick once before and has not been on a boat since. I didn't ask him what size the boat was. As I said, I would love for him to go with me, but I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. I got sea sick once, but I was pregnant at the time. I have been on boats/ships since with no problem. I would also like to know if someone can get sick once and be fine after that, or would it be a problem that will continue.




  1. I always say I get seasick in the bathtub, but we love to travel, so I've never let it stop me!  I've tried a number of things depending on how we're traveling and what we're doing.  Here's our page on motion sickness....  you can see some of the options.

    Read what the  US Center for Disease Control has to say here:

    Happy travels... even if you don't travel the world... just remember that life is a journey... embrace and enjoy it!

  2. no its possible to get sea sick once depends on how rough the sea is im always on boats and i think when he first gets on make sure he has a full stomach coz empty stomachs make u feel sick also watch the sea and try to relax

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