
What would be the best team for pokemon diamond, if i have chosen chimchar as my started pokemon?

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What would be the best team for pokemon diamond, if i have chosen chimchar as my started pokemon?




  1. i keep all legendaries, i leave my starters after the pokemon league

  2. i'd have to say..





    and trade Toterra and Empoleon to your team

  3. The best possible team covers every strentgh and every weakness.

    A good example of this would be:

    - Infernape (for grass, bug and ice)

    - Luxray (for flying and water)

    - Staraptor (for bug, frass and water)

    - Garchomp (for dragon, and everything else) ((Quite hard to find, but well worth it!))

    - Roserade (for water and ground)

    Then the last spot is free for your own preference!

    Hope i helped


  4. If you are choosing the best team to complete the game then this would be the perfect party.

    Infernape-Evolve your Chimchar twice

    Roserade-Evolve a Budew twice or a Roselia once

    Floatzel-Evolve a Buizel

    Staraptor-Evolve a Starly twice or Staravia once

    Luxray-Evolve Shinx twice or Luxio once

    Bidoof/Bibarel-Evolve it or not doesn't matter. Just use it for your HMs to get through the game.

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