
What would be the best type of dog for us?

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We have a big family.theirs 8 of us.

I want to no what would be the best family dog.

The youngest is 8 monthes and the oldest is 14.

We used to have a border collie.but we had to get ride of her for a reason.We used to have a beagle to.

The beagle was a verry good family dog.

But im not sure if i want a nother beagle.

i love all dog but i like bigger dog more.




  1. cant get bigger one if you have 18 month maybe a pug would be good

  2. A lab is a good choice for small children as well as bigger kids and teens.  Rather than have to go through the puppy stage, try going to a lab rescue and pick up a housebroken, adult dog.  You don't say where you're from so I'm sending you a link to a Florida rescue.  However, with a little research, you can find one in your area in no time.

  3. Do you want a dog with a lot of energy or not? If you want a big dog, Great Pyrenese are calm and very loyal, and smart and also big.  

    Golden Retrievers are also great family dogs but have alot of energy especially as puppies. Labs are also packed with energy and may be too much of a handful for a family of 8.

    Huskeys are good dogs as well and tend to be fairly balanced on their energy levels.

    I would say do not get:  a jack russel or a boston terrier - those are 2 very hyper dogs and might not suit your family well

  4. I think that the best kind of dog for you would maybe be a slightly older dog that is of course, good with children, and isn't extremely hyper.

  5. I have been told that Boxer dogs are very lovable. loyal and good with kids. I also have been told that they require a bunch of attention and exercises.

    I had a Mini Pinscher, but I know they are not great with small kids.

    Maybe a Dachshund? They are a bit hyper, but the one I had was great with kids.

    Good luck, possibly try and take the quiz there. That's how I decided to get a Boxer!

  6. Labradors and Golden retrievers are great family dogs.  A lab poodle mis is great if anyone has allergies.

  7. I think a maltese is the best kind of dog. My neighbors have 2. they get up to be maybe 2 feet long and less than a foot high. They are great family dogs- really pleasant. not to mention they are absolutely adorable.

  8. really depends on your type of lifestyle

  9. If your willing to care for it, get a german shepherd, great dogs, but you have to get a good one for children. Also a huskie and golden retriever would be good for a big family. My family has 9 siblings including me, we had a female golden retriever, great dog.

  10. I think a Labrador Retriever would fit in perfect. They are very loving. There big(ish) and they would be happy to go on family walks. Also there good guard dogs!

  11. If you've had to get "rid' of 2 dogs I don't think you should get another dog.

    With 8 children you have your hands full.

  12. First I have to ask what the "reasons" were you had to get rid of two dogs. Will these "reasons" come up again with a new dog? will you be able to handle a dog with 8 people in the house? I can't say what type of dog is best for you until I know why you got rid of two others.

  13. If you've had to "get rid" of two dogs perhaps the best type of dog for you is the stuffed dogs you can get at Walmart.  They are very low maintenance and won't be much trouble at all.

  14. Lab

    Golden Retriever




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