
What would be the best type of school for a kid w/ Asperger's?

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My nine year old has Asperger's. He went to a Montessori school (he was not diagnosed then) until Kindergarden. We put him in a public school in the first grade. My husband and I are discussing whether we should put him back into a private school setting or keep him in public school. He is in the third grade now. I know that middle school is a very difficult transition for Asperger kids. Has anyone had this type of decision making and how what was your outcome?




  1. It matter what type of Aspbergers he has... I have aspbergers and did pretty well in public school... thats what I would recommend.

  2. My husband and I are debating the same issue now . . . My son will be starting kindergarten next year and we are incredibly concerned.  I have come to the conclusion there is no right or wrong answer . . . and will be trying public school.

  3. It is really individual to the school and teachers. I would not recommend montessori as it often does not have the emphasis on social development as needed, but these schools are very different also. It is very dependent on your school district. Try to have input on picking teachers and have meetings at the end of the year with the principal about what would be a best teacher for your student. Having the right teacher is the most important thing and I find that setting is less important. Of course it is a battle every year to get the best teacher. IF you have a cooperative school system I would definitely stick with the public system.

  4. He should go to a school that is a good one.  Around here, that has a tendency to be public schools, but depending on where you live, it could be private.  The most important thing is that he needs special training and counseling for his aspergers in addition to regular school and not special schools.  Also, keep in mind that changing him around all the time with his schools is traumatic to an aspie so you should pick one and stick with it unless he requests a change.

  5. one of my sons aged 12 has this and him going to an ordinairy primary school where the staff simply(nobodys fault) did not know enough about this condition was an absolute nightmare for him-he is now in his second year in high school and is top of his year-his support staff there know a lot about this condition and it shows-as with any child with aspergers school will never be a totally great experience but the difference in my son is remarkable-ie of course he would rather not have to attend school again lol he is very content- dont judge a school by its results ensure you get a good look at what special needs support they offer at the schools before u make a decision-dont worry hun h**l be fine-you know i can finally see the light and kids with aspergers are always going to be a massive worry for us as parents -i wouldnt have mine any other way x

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