
What would be the best way to become a regesterd nurse,going to a medical instatute or community college... ?

by  |  earlier

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...then AFTER the community college go to a university?




  1. if you can get straight into a program then get in, they're competitive.  if you can get into a community college then go there it's shorter and when you go back to get your bsn most hospitals will and an only take another year

  2. Just go to community college. It'll be ALOT cheaper in the long run, and most of the time, you graduate with an associates degree as well as an RN certificate.

    If you wanted to go to a university after could, but there's not really a need if you just want the basic certification.

  3. go to a community college for 2 years, the transfer to a university.

    if you post your city, i will look up some cc in your area that have dual admissions.

  4. Learn how to become a registered nurse, and find out about the different entry points into the field of nursing.

  5. yes

  6. College, definitely.

    First of all, it's MUCH cheaper.

    Second of all, many medical institutes only offer the Associate's degree (2 year) in nursing, and the classes you take from them may not transfer over to a college later on. If that happens, you've wasted two years.

    Third of all, at a college, you'll also be taking non-nursing classes, which will help you become well-rounded, and will always come in handy no matter what profession you choose. They also help break up the tedium of studying the same stuff day after day.

    You want to keep your options open so that you can later finish the Bachelor's degree (4 year) in Nursing, because the pay is MUCH better, you can apply for many more jobs, and you can be promoted.

    If you can tell us why you can't go straight to a university, we might be able to offer some additional advice. good luck to you!

  7. you can get your RN through a community college. they are way cheaper too. thats a great field to go into. make good money and help people.

  8. Best route would be to find a community college that offers a 2 year RN program and once you get your nursing license you can then do an upward mobility program to get your BSN. Otherwise I would find a community college that had a good relationship with a nursing program and offered lab based science course so that I could complete my pre-nursing courses there.

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