
What would be the best way to begin a career in astronomy???

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i am starting to look at schools that offer the program... i have one year of university schooling, but have been out of school for two years, and am looking to go back. where do i start??




  1. Find a school with an astronomy program.  They will tell you what you need to do.

  2. Major in physics or astronomy.  A word of warning however...few astronomers, when they are sitting at the desk actually "doing astronomy" are dealing with the stars.  If you want to use a telescope and look at stars, don't become an astronomer.  Sounds weird, I know.  But astronomers look at images, write computer programs to help them better understand what the images show, develop ideas, write papers about those ideas, write books, give lectures, do nearly anything BUT look at stars.  If you want (as I do ) to look at stars with a telescope, get any other job, and buy a telescope and go look at stars.

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