
What would be the best way to enlarge my carbon footprint?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to see it be more the size of a chalk outline at a murder scene.




  1. sucking on a muffler should do it.

  2. Don't recycle. Drive an SUV. Leave your house lights on all the time.

    Use a charcoal grill to cook on. Burn wood in a fire pit as often as you can. Don't bring your used engine oil to a recycle center. If you have a back yard, see how many trees you can do without. Cut the tree down and sell the wood for campers or a wood stoves.

    I an go on for days on this question.

  3. Buy lots of chinese goods.  

  4. Buy a hummer, eat Big Macs x3

    every day,(that ought to provide you with a large outline at your early death scene) Run your heater at 90 degrees all winter and your air conditioner at 60 all summer. only drink bottled water in plastic containers

    and by all means continue to vote Republican.

  5. Have a large mansion that uses lots of energy, drive big cars or limos, take lots of airplane rides on your personal plane.  Oops, sorry but Al Gore is already doing all of that.

  6. Hire a private jet and fly everywhere that Al Gore flies on his private jets.

  7. Mate with big foot.

  8. Try a p***s pump.

  9. 1) f**t a lot 2) light your farts

  10. Join the limo liberals and buy a private jet, a mansion with 14 bathrooms and fly around the country preaching about global warming.

  11. Do like I do and burn a tire on Earth Day.  It drives the bunny huggers absolutely apesh*t.

  12. Well...there are pills now. I've never heard anyone call it that before though.

  13. Start a forest fire.  

  14. I guess that's pretty easy, huh. Drive as much as possible. Get a car with the worst gas mileage. Oh, except it actually costs more to waste gas. But I'm sure you won't mind that.

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