
What would be the best way to introduce yourself to a new client...

by Guest56541  |  earlier

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...when you want to let them know that you don't only come for the money, but also to make a good relationship between home owner and the bussines person?

1- A new friend is made out of every new job we do.

2- Business starts with a good friendship.

3- Friendship and professionalism.

Other suggestions are welcome.

Best answer will be chosen.

10 points guaranteed!!!

thanks a LOT!!!!




  1. I think sending a friendly e-mail helps a lot -- especially on a topic not related to your business.

  2. What type of business is it.  There are different answers depending on whether you provide a service or sell a product.  A sincere interest in the needs of your client and the cost saving way that your business satisfies his needs goes a long way.  Additionally, if you recognize that your client has a need which you can't fill, refer him to someone who can.  Becoming a resource on multiple levels keeps you on your potential client's mind as a friend as well as a business associate.  

  3. First of all, stop with the BS. It's always about the money!

    Second of all, the best way is to call them, convince them that your product is something that they cannot live witout.

    Third of all, if you're selling c**p, get a new job

  4. I don't go to meet a new client, I go to meet a new person.

    The less eager you are to talk business, the more business they will want to talk to you about.

    I also use a technique I learned in the orient. When you get someone's business card, you are receiving part of that person. Study the card and make a compliment about it, whether it is the logo, the paper quality, etc. Be genuine with it, but it's a great icebreaker.

  5. wdfdawfewaw

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