
What would be the best way to legalize weed in the u.s.a?

by Guest59045  |  earlier

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What would be the best way to legalize weed in the u.s.a?




  1. tax it.

  2. Bill clinton for president, whoooo!!!!

  3. Join Norml is a good start.

    Remember the way to get things done in this country is through special interest groups. Look at how much power and influence the NRA (National Rifle Association) has.  If every person who smoked joined NORML politicians would be forced to change the law as they would see a large number of people who would vote for or against them based on their stance on marijuana laws.  Joining norml is by far the best thing you can do.


  4. It would take allot of people to protest.


  6. well i believe weed is actually better then alcohol...

    being an officer ive seen people driving high all thetime...

    and they are more aware of the situation then someone who is drunk

  7. Personally, I would rather weed be legal than alcohol.  Weed doesn't impair a persons judgement as bad as alcohol does.  It is only a matter of time until it is made legal.  I would suggest within the next 5-10 years.

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