
What would be the best way to start the 100m sprint?

by  |  earlier

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im just starting up running and wondering what would be the best way to start. i do have a pair of spikes. i have considered blocks but i decided to go another aproach mainly because no one where i run uses them. so can you please help me with another way to start and have some tips on how to do it, and practise for it.





  1. you need blocks, spikes and remember the first step out of the blocks is a short one.

  2. Use the blocks! They are important to help you start the stride that is right for you. You will have to mess around with the settings for a while until you find what works for you. Notice that I didn't say the setting that will be comfortable. The blocks are not about comfort. They're about function - pushing you off into a dead sprint.

    Whichever hand you write with represents the dominant side of your body...meaning it is natural for you to do a lot of things on this side. With the starting blocks, you will want to put your dominant foot back and the other foot up. (the foot holds will not be side by side - that defeats the purpose). It sounds strange, but try it.

    (In the natural pumping of your arms and legs, the pattern is opposite hand, opposite leg. If your less-dominant leg is forward when you shove off, your dominant hand will come forward first and that's exactly how you want it).

    Okay. Now that we're over that part, you want to position your feet so your bum comes up in the air when you're down in the blocks. You shouldn't be so far up that you are liable to fall over though. Set yourself on your fingertips (you might have to work out your bis, tris and shoulders to get stronger if you cannot balance like that). Come out of the blocks low and gradually stand straight up. If you stand straight up out of the blocks you waste energy and lose time. Keep your centre of gravity low and then explode.

    I hope that made some sense. If you get nothing else from this answer, remember - use the blocks! (lol)

    (Don't you have a sprint coach who can assist you with this?)

    Have a good season!

  3. Use the blocks! They are there because they give you good traction starting out, and the spikes help with traction when you're running.

  4. Go fast when you start. Then go fast when you finish. h**l, while you're at it, just accelerate through the whole thing.

  5. few beers, couple of hot dogs, maybe a can of beans, then RUN for ur life and watch the trail of green gas behind u!

  6. use the starting blocks!!! they are the best way to start! all you need to work on for the starting blocks is your technique. when you come out of the blocks, start out low with your head down, then lift up and pump your arms really hard forward and back. pumping your arms is very important when you are sprinting. also, a lot of people don't understand the breathing part. there's not much to it. just take a large breath right when the ref. says, "set" and hold it until you reach the finishing line. oh.. yah and remember when the ref. says "set" lift up extra high so your legs are in a position you are able to push off correctly and keep equilibrium with your arms.

  7. use blocks!  They help a lot, also get some good weight lifting in like squats

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