
What would be the best way to unite the many mma clubs that hold youth bouts into a national youth mma league?

by  |  earlier

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Most kid matches are thrown in with grownup shows as gimmicks or novelty and although most serious youth competitors condition/train very hard and attend one or many MMA schools, they seldom have any ties to any promoters or any way to be selected for another bout. I believe if youth mma were separated from the adult promoters and had their own non-profit competition, the kids would benefit a lot more from having structure and oppurtunity to compete on higher levels as they hone their skills and compete with others who have also. Matchmaking youth fighters is currently next to impossible because there is not enough information or credibility to say who's at what skill level. But a unified MMA league would place each other based on their accomplishments and kids could then know where they stand in their area, region, division, ect. Little league teams have playoffs to see which of the best teams is better, which all-stars shine the brightest, as does most basketball, soccer, & boxing




  1. The best way that i can think of is start small. start a monthly tournament with local gyms. start a ranking system however you want but people need someone to say you're second or first or whatever in the "league" this helps people to come back and do better or to show off as many people do. Then start branching off into other cities having tournaments in those towns and form an actual league. After it becomes a large enough attraction in enough cities, have teachers sign up their schools with the league (don't get greedy, charge only the bare minimum to register) to be able to have their students compete and be ranked. After this it will basically become a self perpetuating ball of c**p.

    This is just a crackpot idea i came up with in like 30 seconds and I'm not even sure it applies all that well to your question if your going for the whole fight one person and your done deal.

    This is a momentous task and requires dedication, time, and money.

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