
What would be the determining factor in choosing a diaper?

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cost/convenience/environmental impact




  1. Oh that would be cloth diapers cheapest/maybe not convenient/low impact. Here's what we did and it worked great.. Not the cheapest/very convenient/not sure about the impact. Pampers for the new born.. this is just about a must have.. Walmart pullups for the toddler. These Walmart brand are very close to the premium of all diapers pampers.

  2. I would say cost you can get them for FREE or really cheap at

    You get $1 for everytime someone you refer places an order. So refer everyone you know that is pregnant or already has kids and in no time you are getting $50-$100 a month in free credits. Use Promo Code FREEFIVE during checkout and you get $10 off your first order now. Plus it is free shipping and you don't pay taxes.

  3. id say the best way to choose is to see what suits your babies bottom best cheap nappies can make your babies bum sore .Disposable nappies are the most convient and i know they say its better for the environment to use cloth nappies but dont forget they have to be washed with detergent and using washing machines  both of which we should be cutting down on for a better environment.  

  4. Only 3 things other than those you listed in your question:

    1.  Size of the baby

    2.  Size of the diaper

    3.  Size of the leaks (if any)

  5. It would be a mixture mainly convience like for when im out and about a disposable is much easier

  6. For me..a balance between convenience and cost. I wouldn't go the cheapest route if it was not doing what I wanted.

  7. definatley how well it works. it would be nice for that one to also be the enviromentally friendly one and the less expensive one... but that doesnt always work out

  8. I would say the best compromise of all 3.  Most importantly, it has to WORK!

  9. For me it's more convenience, ones that dont leak, ones that fit right etc. cost isn't a factor for me, because i buy huggies, which are probably to most expensive, but its not by choice, its the only kind my son can wear, if he could wear others then cost would be important... I would love to consider environmental impact, but to my knowledge they dont make environmentally friendly disposable diapers... if they did, and they were less then 30 dollars then I would definitely buy them... I know cloth are environmentally friendly, but that's where we get into the convenience issue again.

  10. Funny that out of the 3 concerns you mentioned, you didn't bring up which one would keep your baby driest and most comfortable.

    Everything is secondary to this.  Next concern would be cost.

  11. Determining factor should be comfort and environmental impact, and what your area provides as services, etc.  Like, does your area have a diaper cleaning service for cloth diapers?  How much effort are you willing to put forth?  Do you travel a lot?  I would make a list of needs and wants, and then make a list of products that fit both with a rating of how well you like it.

    Of course, I am a compulsive list maker..........

  12. whatever works the best and would make my life easier

  13. I think all of those things and for me my twins and current baby all have very sensitive skins so a diaper that does not bother their skin would be important to me.


  14. I only use disposable. I use Huggies mostly, sometimes Pampers. Just depends what is on sale and what coupons I have.

    If there was a diaper service in my area I would consider cloth, but I don't have the time to clean them myself.

  15. Obviously, leaks are your number one concern.  Following leaks would be fit, price, and whether they are sold locally.

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