
What would be the difference between a 2 GHz processor and a 3 Ghz processor ?

by  |  earlier

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both are intel Pentium




  1. speed and power

  2. 3 Ghz is faster. more powerful

  3. More Powerful and Faster in Running Multiple Applications etc.

  4. speed and power

    definitely recommend 3GHz

    btw GHz = Giga hertz  

  5. 1 GHz.

  6. 1 extra GHz (or one trillion bits per second faster, I think)

    I'm not sure if GHz means bits per second, or bytes per second.  i think it's bits.

    Essentailly a 3GHz processor should theoretically be 1.5 times faster.

    But it's not just the speed, but the organization and layout of the processor as well.  Faster speed may not be as good if the processor pathways are not organized efficiently.  At least that's the way I heard it before.  I'm not expert at this stuff.

    Take care,


  7. It is the clock speed of processor.

    all programs consist of small instructions (steps) CPU has to do.

    at each clock cycle one instruction is executed.

    so what it means ?

    3 Giga hertz means 3000000000 instructions in one second !

    example INTEL Quad Core Xtreme .

  8. that is the processing speed of the cpu...3 obviously being faster than 2.

    1 hertz is 1 cycle per sec...3GHz is 3000 million cycles per sec...

    each cycle toggles between a logical zero and a logical one state...

    most basic operations such as adding two numbers or transferring a value from one processor register to another will take a few cycles..

    so a higher processor speed will get things done faster

  9. speed power.  Ghz means giga-hertz  

    its like comparing a 2 gig harddrive to a 3 gig harddrive.

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