
What would be the effect on the Earths tides if the diameter of the earth were alot larger than it is?

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What would be the effect on the Earths tides if the diameter of the earth were alot larger than it is?




  1. Assuming that the distance from the center of the earth to the moon remains the same...

    If the Earth's diameter is bigger, then the distance from the side of the earth closest to the moon to the opposite side of earth is bigger - so the difference in the pull of the moon on the oceans will be bigger. Consequently the difference between low tides and high tides will be larger.

  2. The tides would be 4 times larger because the difference in the moon's gravity from one side of the Earth to the other would be larger (8 times), and the gravity of the Earth would only go up by 2 times.

  3. If the diameter of the Earth is increased and the mass of the Earth is held constant then the density of the Earth will have decreased, and the center of mass will still be located in the same place. However, the distance to the moon will have decreased and the distance from the Earth's center of mass will have increased. The waves should be more attracted by the moon and larger waves should be the result. I am not certain, but all thinks equal I think the period of the tides should remain the same.

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