
What would be the funniest yet coolest super hero ever , make him/her up - go nuts - 10 pts to best answer ?

by Guest57381  |  earlier

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mine would be a upright walking talking semi drunk guy with a horses head, and he'd have a strong northen accent - as a sidekick, he'd have a winged lizard buddy with a mexican accent, probably going by the name of Marco. Horse man and Lizard Dude.

So whats your idea ? cmon lets waste MORE braincells tonight ! * raises beer glass and almost spills it onto his lap *




  1. lol you dont need to try hard to think of a funny superhero

    just imagine them all with brummie accents

    spiderman - hey yow, yow better shut yow mouth yow or yow will be in a net alroooight!!!???

  2. This is all that I could think of on the spur of a moment.. My super heroes would be a kun fu donkey named d**k..his nick name would be "Donkey d**k"...haha..I'm nasty.  His side kick would be a midget chick w/ over sized b*****s..she would wear one of those pointy "Madonna bras" which she could fire lasers, torpedo's, and other interesting weapons from...I guess her nickname would be "Torpido T"... She would have an hispanic accent..and Donkey d**k would sound like Chris Tucker. lol. I am feeling" extra" dorky now.  :O)

  3. Superman! Hes cool and strong, could fly yet wearing underwear outside...But still cool!

    I wonder what brand is sponsoring the underwear... ^^

  4. Captain Picard with phaser bolts coming out his @rse

  5. Super Chicken! He wears a chicken costume and runs at the first sign of danger with lightning fast speed! XD

  6. I'm not good at this ..I'm not hyper enough yet so I'll best

    On my command I would mess with people's brains and make them think they were drunk, ....while I'm drunk myself, I would have cool pink penguin underwear over my tights, and a shirt that says "Do I look like I am in the mood!?" ... and when I say 'Mountain Dew' a person somehow gets a can of Mountain Dew Code Red in their hand,.. I would have a sidekick who ..makes you trip flat on your face when walking in front of him..then he steals your money..and gives it too mee...just cast though..

  7. I bestow on you... a gift. The gift of knowledge. The knowledge of that fount of wondrousness that is Whose Line Is It Anyway?!

    No, trust me. They play an improv game where they act as unconventioanl superheroes. It's great. I'll give you a links to put in the URL bar:

    That's one of the best. Follow the links like the Yellow Brick Road: Superheroes is always a funnny game. Enjoy!

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