
What would be the greatest and happiest thing to happen to you at this time in your life?

by  |  earlier

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I would just like to can be absolutely anything...personal, extreme etc

thanks ^_^




  1. To find the perfect guy, and he thinks I am the perfect girl and we totally hook up. =D

  2. get engaged

  3. to find something i really want to do - I feel I have come to a watershed and although lots of things are 'nice' and have a gentle pull - I miss passion and having something that really draws me in. my feelings aren't engaged - It isnt that I want drama  - juts something that feels weighty enough to be engaged with.

    i feel a bit sad as I  have so much and yet I would like to count  in some way - throw my weight behind soemthing I though was important.

  4. Definately to get a piano i've wanted one for  years.

    or to get some sort of apartment of my own,to dress up and furnish as I like.

  5. My job would offer me early retirement with health care coverage and a pension.

  6. I would like enough money to go back to school full time and finally live my life.

    Oh, and enough money for the cruise me and my friends want to go on for our 40th birthday.

  7. If you simply tell me you love me.

  8. A foster child that I have had the privliage of knowing got the liver he needed at the last moment. He is now living a happy normal life, something he has never had. It made me believe that good things really can happen for people who need it most.

  9. That i would not have to get the bus to school anymore and that i could date the guy who i really like!

  10. I get the courage to show my comic ideas to somebody, and they think they're hilarious, and I get them drawn and published and make millions of dollars, and get all kinds of fame and popularity.  Then I get really into doing more comics, and learn how to draw them myself and never get bored of, or lose the talent of creating comics, and eventually put even Gary Larson to shame with my talent!  Then I write my book on philosophy, and it wows millions of people, and I make millions of dollars, and establish myself as a genius, then I find the girl of my dreams, and fall in love, and her with me, and we live happily ever after!

  11. Surely the greatest thing in life is to love and be loved?

    I think so anyway :)

  12. For my second cousin once removed to come and visit again.

    Or for me to be able to write my book and be able to keep on writing for hours without getting distracted and stopping.

  13. a baby : )

  14. win enough money to pay off my mortgage and i could


  15. erm, ringo starr take the place of john lennon?

  16. For there to be lovemaking and the laughter of children in my lonely but lovely cottage.

    That is an ongoing dream and hope.

    As I type this, right this second, it is discovering that elsewhere on Yahoo! Answers, a man's life has been saved by the love of a beautiful woman.  It touches me because my life too was saved because at the last moment I could not bear the thought of leaving this world without meeting her, and so I drew back from taking my own life.  

    The beautiful woman in my head was just imaginary then.  One day she will no longer be imaginary and that answers the question.

  17. at this time in my life the greatest and happiest thing that could happen to me is for S to admit that he loves me and we become a couple.

    it sounds lame. but thats the only thing that would make me happy in this world, this time. x

  18. to be completely and utterly happy

    to be rich

    be in love and to be loved in returned



  19. I would really love to be financially secure, give up work get a small holding and have space to get in a couple more  rescue dogs,grow my own veg and stuff like that.( i would really love a butterfly garden) I would like to have some outbuildings converted into some space for a couple of elderly folk i know, so that i could keep an eye on them and know they are safe,secure and cared for.I would like to get a mobile veterinary clinic for my mate in India.

    A windfall now would be the best thing that could happen to me. I know some lovely folk and it would make me happy to pay off their mortgages.

    So, to answer your question, a lottery win,please.

  20. world peace

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