
What would be the greatest human invention?

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what do u think would be the greatest and the ultimate invention that humans would be capable of? Time machine? A new energy source ( an artificial sun)? Making living possible on other planets? etc.... Share ur thoughts.




  1. universal language translator. This is harder than we thought at first. We humans spend a lot of time arguing about what others are saying. We kill each other over stupid parts of speech.

      Time machine is out of the question. Time as an equation has one line of travel within this physical division or dimension.

       Energy sources will come and go ;as they burn thru what ever fuel source we use to propel them. Solar energy we have placed at the top because of the abundance. But, to harness fusion for daily usage is going to take some new materials for containment.

      Tide or wave powered generators are having limited success and support. As is; wind power. Conservation of energy could do just as much as these are providing right now.

       Magnetic revolution movement could spark new power generators but still, gravity and tranmission of energy takes us back to Tesla and his projection ideals. Problems then and now of recycle of energy back to the Earth once we shoot it up. How do we get it to come back where we want it? Poles of attraction  will  be the problem. Because we watch lightning waste millions of KV, just arching up into the sky. Now, that would good ;if it we could get it under control first. That might be a good start.

  2. Tampons will never be topped.

    A time machine would be terrible.

  3. Stopping the process of aging and preventing death

  4. Will there really be one last great invention of humankind? Has evolution said its last word about humans? Even so why would this invention be in science or technology?

    The greatest discovery so far might well be the  the past tense in language, which cannot be hardwired because they don't exist in every human language.

    Another contender is the debit & credit system of accounting. There would be no space programs without it.

    How about democracy? Vioxx and Iron Man don't beat that one either.

  5. For me the greatest human invention would be to know exactly which gene causes what illnesses, birth defects, aging, violent behavior, and so on, and be able to manipulate the genes before conception. That way people would be able to live a long,healthy, and violence free life.

  6. Time machine for sure :P

    Or a way to do us immortals

  7. It's already been invented - Written Language.  That alone makes all other inventions possible.

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