
What would be the greatest question that you have thought of?

by  |  earlier

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or what is the question that has puzzled you most. anything like that.

Or Has made an impact to you

Certainly this eliminates corny ones like "what is the meaning of life" "is there a god" "Did god created man or is it vice-versa"

most likely its philosophical




  1. My greatest questions (according to difficulty):

    1. "Who are You, God?"

    2. "What is my life for?"

  2. The most important question by far is when a child asks "Is god true"

  3. Why are they called hemorrhoids?  Shouldn't they be called asteroids?

  4. What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?

    Why are they underestimating today? It's all you have!

  5. If one year after my death is the same as I was one year before my parents were born, what will I actually be one year after my death?

  6. I know that this one is a bit cliche', but,"What exactly happens after death?"

  7. What is Normal?

  8. Was my parents planning on having me or was I just something that happened in the heat of the moment?

  9. "Am i Pretty Pregnant"..??

  10. If man evolved from apes, why do apes roam the earth today?

  11. With everything I've been learning lately and experiences, I feel too dumb to even come up with a good question!

  12. actually "the meaning of life" is the well thought of and the greatest question for me because if you take any question and ask the why of it till death you will be asking  yoursel this question.

    but since this question is not what you want, lets see - what is love? why are we attracted towards the opposite s*x so much - so passionately, all our lives, why is sometimes so energizing and sometimes so distressing.


  13. What is Michael Jackson's meaning of life.

    Is it to touch the hearts and pockets of little people all over the world..?


    Oh Thats Right.. I Went There.. ;)

  14. How did the world start?

    I have lots of thing that i believe in and i try to put them together but they're way too great to be true, so i ask my self ...will anyone ever discover what we are?

    Is it possible that the answer is so outhere no one has ever even got close to the answer? Has anyone got it right?

    Great Q!!!

  15. why is there something rather than nothing?

  16. why is it OK for a abortion but the same person says save a tree or another save the earth then go to a hummer dealership and light it on fire cant figure it out!!!!!!!

  17. My greatest question? What the h**l am I don't wasting my time on Yahoo Answers.

  18. well, what gender is god (which is of course, god is both male and female, read the bible) but how do you know if someone is telling the truth about the sexuality.

  19. The major question in my life is:  Why are things that are bad for you so enjoyable?


    s*x outside of marriage feels good but is bad for you.

    Eating too much feels good, it is eventually bad for you.

    The real issue is how does one avoid the pleasure and avoid the consequences?

  20. is the president really keeping secrets?


    are we the only the ones in the universe, where is the end of space?

  21. Should I get fries with that?

  22. Hello Rocko,

    You know what, i don't have questions without answers. So to be the greatest question it has to be a simple question that everyone used and don't know the answer...yet

    I have a couple of them in mind

    First I thought about questions like :

    Why do Japanese Kamikaze w***e helmets?

    Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

    Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?

    Then came the simpler (but still great) questions like :

    How are you doing today?

    Can I do something to help?

    And of course the "most real" question :

    What'll happens when we'll use 100% of our brain capacity?

    Enjoy answering those :)


  23. Is there anybody out there!!?

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