
What would be the hardest thing in 4th grade???

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i have a sis she wants to know what the hardest thing would be in 4th grade!!!do u guys know what ''would'' be the hardest thing in 4th grade!!!




  1. People who claim to have done/have things that they don't. Like they had made out already played Grand Theft Auto, ect. Watch out for them. Don't be there lap dogs.  

  2. the 4th grade is the hardest thing of the fourth grade

  3. Geometry

  4. for me it was all of the girls who kept slamming my self esteem

  5. well to tell you the truth 4th grade was hardest for me because we actually started doing multiplication and division so tell her to pay attention in class and ask as many questions as possible if she doesnt understand anything...hope i helped:) and wish your sis good luck for me

  6. 4th grade is easy.tell her its just like 3rd grade.sometimes you might switch to a different teacher for math but other than that its easy.

  7. The hardest thing in 4th grade will be the complexities in math.  Also, some states require the teaching of their own state's history. That can be difficult too if it is not taught in a conducive manner.  

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