
What would be the main benefits to society in legalizing cannabis?

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Part B) Does Government really have a right to make part of nature illegal?




  1. I believe that  the main benefits would be if they actually legalized cannabis but made alcohol illegal. Now I am aware that may cause lots of dismay in people, however I still hold true to the fact that alcohol is MUCH more worse of a drug than cannabis.  I believe it would help many people actually relax, whereas when they drink to "relax", you find many people getting angry or sad.   Also, the same argument of how many people have been killed by drunk driving????   If they are worried about our health by smoking, then why are cigarettes legal?  Also it would highly cut down the number of people overpopulating the jails/prisons/work camps for minor things like possession of marijuana.  The food economy would skyrocket as well!!

    I think nature should be legal. I don't think the government should be able to regulate what type of plants we can and cannot grow.  It's part of the earth!!!!!  It's not a man-made substance like many other narcotics and drugs.   We are not going to blow up our house if we accidentally plant the pot wrong, where as you have all these meth houses/trailers everywhere that can explode at any second.

    I dont believe in "God" but I do believe in a mother nature. And I do believe that whatever created the earth, created this calming substance, just as it created vegetables and fruit plants to help us eat. Humans also need something to help them relax sometimes.

  2. Getting people out of jail and prison, not making criminals out of non-criminals.

    Yes, the government has the authority to make things, even natural things, illegal.

  3. A.) Sales of Doritos would go through the roof, as would stock in Frito-Lay.

    B.) Yes, they do have that right.



    God WANTS you to get high!  You've converted me with your intense faith!

  4. If Pot would be legal the Courts could take a breather...

    If taxed...the Government had more money to spend on Health care, for example. Free Health care like  Britain would be excellent.

    People who smoke Pot gonna do that anyway and Pot, if not abused, has some Benefits.

  5. Put a big tax on it and raise more money for government

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