
What would be the main reasons for doing a child study?

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I have just completed a child study that took me a year!!

now i have to write a page on why i did it and why its important but i find it hard:(:( please help if u can

thanks xx




  1. Are women totally devoid of logic?

    You did the study therefore you must have had a reason for doing it.  How can you expect us to know what that reason is when you have not told us?  Do you think we are psychic?

    If you spent a year on this study what could possible be so hard about doing one page about the reason for doing it?

    You already have the information you need to write this page about why you did the study.  All you need to do is to put a bit of effort into extracting this information from your cranium and transferring it to a piece of paper.

  2. You're going to want to look at your hypothesis statement.  Why did you make that statement.  Why was would it be helpful to find out if that is true?  Say your statement is,  "Children exhibit increased aggressive behavior when they observe aggressive behavior in other children."  You evaluated your hypothesis because it is important to have this information in order to reduce aggressive behaviors in children. then you would go on to explain some examples of how this information could be used.  If you give us your hypothesis, I can help you more.

  3. -To better the practice that we use in our settings

    -To benefit the children and improve their care/education

    -For self-improvement-gain confidence in your work, better study skills etc.

    -To support government legislation for higher qualified staff in settings-10 year stratgery, Every Child Matters etc.

  4. Well you must of read Poges literature about child psychology and together with Anna Freud, and other psychologists, and the work out you had in your study that took you a year,

    It is not hard to do one page on what you did and what was important in your study, all you want to do remember all the subjects you covered during the year, i am sure that you still have the notes from lectures and from work you have done, so you read every thing with an open mind and thing what subject was taking you a lot of time to complete during your year of studying,

    Get a list made out on different topics that you dealt with and think hard , do the theme of your subject, plan the body of your composition  and the conclution , then you can start writing with a planed work out and you see that you wont have any trouble not at all

  5. What was the study on.

    Look back at your origanal notes they should refresh your memory as to why you decided to do the study.

  6. How about using your conclusions to back up the reasons... for the study.

    Isn't this question a lot about putting the cart before the horse?

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