
What would be the natural enemy of a GOOD witch?

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I'm developing a story plot, and it involves a witch, for lack of a better word I guess. I need an opposition, but I'm having a frustrating time figuring out WHAT would be a suitable opposition. So, any suggestions for the natural enemy of a good witch?




  1. Paul Lynn

  2. How about a supernatural being (such as a demon etc)?

  3. For fictional purposes, in the type of story you're speaking about, I would make it a Warlock.  While common usage assumes that the word "warlock" simply means "male witch", this is not true.  The etymology of the word "warlock" is "oathbreaker".  

    In Wiccan lore, a Warlock can be either male or female, but is someone who has broken their initiation oaths and/or betrayed the coven, and thus is banished from the coven.  So a Warlock is a "rogue witch", who has either revealed coven secrets or broken coven law or for violating the Wiccan Rede.

    So the natural enemy of a Witch, especially a protagonist who is a "good witch" would be a Warlock, especially one who has abandoned the Rede, betrayed the coven and is working "evil" (i.e.,  hurting people for his/her own purposes.)

  4. The Vatican

  5. Depending on what kind of story it is ...

    A. A preist or inquisitor who hates witches and is intent on hunting them down.

    B. A mythical creature with a dark bent such as a fairy, dark elf, fallen angel, vampire, etc.

    C. An evil twin, sorceress, evil witch, wizard, sorcerer, magician.

    Personally, my pick would be Vampire or Dark Angel (or a combination of both).

    I love charismatic villians.

  6. Hillary Clinton (The wicked witch of the West)

  7. In this day and age, (well, in any day or age), a witches enemy is/was fundamentalist Christian Priests. Religious intorlerance has been a witches enemy for YEARS!

    A Witch is not defined as either good or evil. There are good and evil PEOPLE, regardless of religion or beliefs. There has been more evil done in this world in the name of J.C and His Divine Father than was ever done by witches or the hundreds of other native religions that have been and still are in existance.  Just another point to think about.

  8. In Pennsylvania, practitioners of Pow Wow consider a Witch as evil, regardless, and view the Witch as a sworn enemy.  The Witch, however, does not view the practitioner of Pow Wow as enemies.

    As well, anyone or anything which involves the black arts is also a natural enemy of a Good Witch.

    Have a lovely rest of the evening.

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