
What would be the objective of this craft lesson plan?

by Guest61975  |  earlier

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What is the lesson? What areas of development are involved? What are the subject areas?





  1. Recognition of circles: concentrate on using mathematical language as others have stated. I think this is a little prescriptive for the age and it has little to do with creative development and alot to do with following instructions. BE CAREFUL OF PLANNING CREATIVE ACTIVITIES THAT DO NOT ALLOW FOR CREATIVITY.

    Perhaps you could give the children a variety of cut out circles to create their own collage, the end results may not be like ladybirds as you are clearly hoping for but you will be providing opportunities for the children to design and create something unique to them which is somewhat more creative.

  2. Amber is right.  This is a math activity.  It's not open-ended so it would have to be math and not creativity.  I would say "The children will be able to cut out a circle using scissors to cut a curved line.  They will also be able to use small dots of glue to attach the various pieces.  They will be able to count the number of dots used.  They will be able to describe the shapes used as circles."  How old are the kids you are writing this lesson plan for?  I wouldn't use this for any kids younger than 4.  Younger children need more open-ended activities to simply learn the idea of cutting a curve and using just a dot of glue.  Fours and fives could probably do it to learn more structured activities.

  3. Lesson:  I personally would use this activity to focus on circles

    Subject areas:  ladybugs, circles, numeracy (count the circles)

    Developmental areas:

    Cognitive: mathematics-shapes, counting, size comparison

    Fine Motor: scissors and line drawing

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