
What would be the perfect villain??

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In your opinion, what characteristics make up the perfect villain??

<333 Cupcake V.




  1. Satan...........he can appear in ways you don&#039;t see coming, and is a villain in so many peoples lives with or without them knowing.

  2. gotta have a hook nose!!! wears black and cackles! (either im describing a villain or a witch- i&#039;ll stop now)

  3. The villain must be comprised of three main attributes.




    People too often, when writing a villain, create him as this huge evil, bent on complete destruction, whom the intrepid hero must destroy without care. The only thing is, villains are people too. They must be dedicated to their goal, unwaveringly. That&#039;s the one part of villains we normally get right.

    Righteousness, they must believe that they are right, with some justification that actually makes sense to the readers or watchers ear. If they are not persuasive, how do they manage to find people to follow them to carry out their nefarious bidding?

    Humanity - villains are spawned from something, as are heroes. You don&#039;t see someone becoming evil who didn&#039;t have something happen to them at some point. People are people, they can love, hate, fight, it just finds different ways to manifest.

    No, a secret lair does not a villain make, but a study in the darker side of human nature will illuminate that no one is truly a villain, just as no one is truly a hero. They are both victims of time and circumstance, and at the drop of a hate, one might become the other.

  4. I think a good villian would have eyes that make you feel cold when you look into them and he would be a sociopath who couldn&#039;t care less about other people or how they feel.  He would be cunning and intelligent and know how to manipulate everyone.  

    Physically, I think he could look any way as long as he had a cold, evil look to him.    

  5. Gotta be ugly for sure .. nobody likes that lol .. it has to do things that people really dislike ..  

  6. Evil.









  7. Hello cupcaKe V it&#039;s me Shaquille!! answer would have to be ugly,rude,no emotions,great power,someone who is evil.More like lord voldemorrt!!!!!!!(from harry potter)

  8. Someone better looking than you, smarter looking, all-in-all, perfect. Now only if she weren&#039;t evil...

    It&#039;s harder to believe a pretty person is a villain.

    But if feels dang good to get one over her.  

  9. somebody who spams in order to draw attention to their own question;s evil, pathetic, and immature

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