
What would be the possible cure to this?? PLS ANSWER??

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Okay. My mom has gastritis. She took so many medicines but nothing comforted her. She undergone a lot of laboratory tests but all were normal. Please help us to find the cure.

Promise, I will make you my best answer if you would answer this!!





  1. Gastritis just means &quot;stomach inflammation.&quot;  &quot;Itis&quot; is medical lingo for inflammation, and anything gastric has to do with the stomach.  There are a lot of different things ranging from eating too much spicy food to ulcers to cancer that can cause stomach inflammation; if the tests are coming back negative, then she&#039;s probably OK.  She might want to look at what she&#039;s eating, as it&#039;s possible that she&#039;s overdoing it on something that irritates her stomach (alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods come to mind).  She can try cutting out different foods and drinks for a few days and see if that helps.  If she&#039;s experiencing heartburn, that can be helped by making sure she&#039;s sitting up straight for at least 30 minutes after eating (don&#039;t lounge and don&#039;t lie down), though this doesn&#039;t sound like that.

    If it&#039;s still really bothering her, then she should go harass her physician again, though since all her previous tests came back negative it may be hard to convince him/her there&#039;s something really wrong.

  2. well i am no doctor but

    but if she&#039;s in pain take her to the hospital

    and i rescearch and  couldn&#039;t find the cure srry.

    hope ever thing goes well


  4. There are many different culprits of stomach inflammation (gastritis).

    These include different types of food, drinks and even some medication!!

    I&#039;ve read a lot on this topic, for my mum suffers from it as well..and since i am a medical student she expects me to find a solution. I&#039;m afraid a cure for this problems is difficult to find.

    Since your mum has tried lots of medication, i would advise you to try some natural remedies, which i&#039;ve adviced my mum to try as well

    -take two capsules or tablets of probiotics a day. probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help re-establish the flora of the stomach and intestines. These help with the process of digestion as well as maintianing the natural compostition of the stomach wall.

    try a combination of acidophilus, bifidus essensus and lactobacillus

    -eat yogurt after each meal. Make sure the yogurt is fortified with live culture. yogurt contains the same beneficial bacteria (lactobacillus and acidophilus)

    -try charcoal tablets when there is a feeling of gas.

    -try to reduce foods that increase the problem.

    -try peppermint tea after meals. It seams to releive both gas and inflammation of the stomach wall.

    -try chamomile infusion once of twice a day.

    -try licorice incfusions or tablets (it re-estabilshed the stomach&#039;s mucus layer)

    -Marshmallow herbal inusions ae quite beneficial as well

    hope your mum feels better soon!

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