
What would be the problem with resorting back to horse and carriage?

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i know.. the horses one has room to keep a horse...but cant there be a solution to all of that?




  1. Horse p**p on the roads

  2. Oil wells are going Dry. No petrol/No Diesel after 10 years.

    We all have to use Horse/Bullock Cart and Cycle and Walk.

    So oneday ( it is nearing )  we all have to use Horse/Bullock cart etc.

  3. speed, we wouldn't be able to ship food across the nation like we do now so you would most likely have nothing to eat, no fuel for electricity, no medicine, and would hardly ever see your relatives because of how long it takes to get there

    our society is dependent on rapid transportation at this point and without it the modern world will starve, millions or billions will die

    bad situation

  4. It would take much longer to go anywhere.  Your 30 minute commute to work would take hours on a horse.

  5. research the problems created by all the manure created by all the animals in the city of New York in the 1890's

    It was a huge problem. contaminating water supplies, disposal, smell, flies, bacteria, tetanus, of tons of this waste daily.

  6. I don't agree with the safety argument. Horses / Mules/ Moose are much safer than cars, SUVs and trucks. I believe it can be done but apart from the various inconveniences, the main problem is that in terms of emissions, animal drawn carriage is actually worse than a car. According to an article:

    "A grown moose will burp and pass methane gas equal to 4,620 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year. A car would have to go 20,800 miles to emit the same amount."

  7. Think of the size of the pooper scooper.

  8. well to be honest horse c**p emits green house gasses too so it would be less but considering the population and actually dealing with animals people would abuse them and give up on them when they died. How would horse insurance work. If you hurt one in an accident would they draw disability? How would ambulances and cops get around and what would the spped limit be 15?

  9. Go live with the Amish, we are moving forward, lets not go backwards.

  10. The main problem is that unlike cars, horses require maintenance at least twice a day. You can't just park your horse on the street and leave town for the weekend.

    And unlike cars, horses are very very dangerous all the time, not just when being used. Lot's of kids used to die from horse kicks, some still do.

    Horses are not only subject to operator error, the horse itself can be spooked easily.

    On the horse plus side, if you fall out of your car and get hurt, your car isn't going to run home without you and alert people that there's a problem. :)

  11. good idea people dont understand that clean air has its price, but worth it

  12. lol theres no way we can go back to that...

  13. a solution?  no.  there's just no going back in the world today.

    however, manuS' CO2 figure is incorrect.

    i can't read his link, but here's a better calculation.

    (ignoring the hydrogen which is fairly light):

    20 * 6 * 52 * (44 / 12) = 22 880

    20*(8*12/(18*1)*6*52*(44/12) = 22 880

    20 gallons/week (conservative - at 20 mpg that 20k miles/year) *

    6 pounds/gallon (reasonable/low, but i didn't check - water is 7+) *

    CO2 atomic weight (44) / carbon (12)

    gives 22,880 pounds of CO2 per year per car.

    (trucks and SUVs are much higher.)

    as for the rest of his argument, <<I don't agree with the safety argument. Horses / Mules/ Moose are much safer than cars, SUVs and trucks.>>

    actually, when you calculate miles/death, and include speed, cars, etc are far safer.

    << I believe it can be done but apart from the various inconveniences>>

    you mean like food, work, shopping at walmart, etc.

    let's get real here folks, it just is not going to happen.

    our global economy will not permit it.

    and if we tried, the rest of the world would soon be on our doorstep conquering us.

    ok, ok, for those who complain about my ignoring the hydrogen,


    -- the 2nd term does the carbon vs hydrogen calculation -- pure octane is C8H18, if i remember correctly.

    20*(((8*12)/((18*1)+(8*12))) *6*52*(44/12)) =19,267

    ok, ok again, let me check google.

    14,000 miles/year,

    21.5 miles per gallon (mpg),

    11,450 pounds of CO2.

    accounting for the miles and mpg difference, it would appear that i'm close.

  14. You could pretty much give up on seeing your families. These ideas are why so many people don't take this whole thing seriously. So many of these ideas to "save the world" are so stupid they have to be coming from junior high students.

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