
What would be the reaction in the United States if we were forced to limit the number of children we have?

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I am totally for it, BTW




  1. Now what to do with the extra babies... *sinister laugh*

    It's not going to stop people from accidentally making more children, that's for sure.

  2. The ACLU would sue the government.

  3. I dont know about the reaction of the U.S.A.. I would be in agreement to limitation. Too many already.

  4. First of all, a law is useless unless it is enforcible and in the US, the punishment must fit the crime.  A fine would not stop people from having more babies as this would simply be viewed as a tax and imprisonment would hardly fit this crime.  Who goes to prison?  Mother or father or both .. and then what about the children.  So, while I think the reaction would instantly eat hours of radio talkshow drive time, people who wanted more babies would just pay the tax until it was repealed by the Supreme Court as unconsitutional.

  5. Probably a revolt or mass rioting...especially since so many branches of the Abrahamic religions (such as Christian-Catholicism) teaches you to 'go out and multiply.'

  6. Do to the extreme stupidly in the US and allowing the government to control their lives i would say they would go for it.

    Christ Forever and Every AMEN


  7. That would mean we would have to kill innocent children to start it off...right? thanks! But That sounds like an okay idea if we could start from scratch

  8. If it happened suddenly, there would be public outrage.  If it happened a little at a time, over the course of 10+ years: media reports of increasing population as impending, tragic, with a "we must act now" flair.. followed by increasing food prices and decreasing availability.. followed by individuals and communities "doing the right thing" to avoid population increase by limiting or avoiding having children.. etc.  By the time they got around to making it a federal law, the people would be demanding it.

    The same thing has happened to so many of our rights already.  The government doesn't just take them; we willingly and insistently hand them over.

  9. GO FOR IT!! woo listen as much as i would love a day care for children no joke ;we need to limit because its affecting all of us im sure most people wont mind .some would but i know women that have 7 kids! 8!5!4! in their home like women need to close them legs! its crazyy

  10. Could go either way.

    Protest or follow along like sheep because people are wimps.

    They are letting the government get away with murder right now, so long as everyone has their creature comforts,I think they wil just let the gov. get in their faces a little more, why rock the boat. People are afraid to stand up anymore.

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