
What would be the result of war with russia?

by Guest62870  |  earlier

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as many people know now that the country georgia is in big big trouble cause russia for who knows why, invaded and now they want us to help them fend off russian troops. can i get some opinions about the result of this war if we were involved in it and if we werent




  1. If a war started in that region, it would get complicated fast. Just below Georgia is Turkey, which has one of the largest armies in the world. The other former soviet states would fall in line on one side or the other, Germany and Poland would be involved just to try to keep it contained. The Russians would have to move quickly and dig in before the rest of Europe got mobilized. If they could hold the region until winter, it would be a costly battle.

  2. super powers don't go to war with each other because of the threat of nuclear retaliation which would result in MAD

  3. Get ready for a nuclear winter.

  4. Firstly a War U.S & Russia can't be happen.

    because ..

    - Both side had high nuclear capacity ( enough for destroy all mankind ) and both  side doesn't want to push other to the limits.

    - Nato, If U.S decide war with russia all Nato members join  this war because agreement that's why russia doesn't want fight with entire Nato forces.

    Second : Imo russia doesn't want invade all Georgia, If they do this kind of madness they had big trouble because georgia kind of bumper russia vs turkey. Turkey a Nato member, had a strong and big army (one of the biggest army of the world .. a army design for hunt the bears) without bumper both side always can be hurt .. thats why they just kick the georgians, they doesnt want to try more then this.

    A strong Nato member vs Russia war can be turn madness quickly and no one want to see this.

    o.k  .. what can be happen? ( bad script )

    - Avatar/Browse War : Like .. Ukraine vs Russia or Middle Asian Former Soviet Republics vs Russia ( with Nato knowledge - information - ammo and support ofc ) .. a conventional war ( no nuke ) can be happen.

    .. what can be happen? ( standart script )

    Nato members boycott russia at international literature, conferance bla.bla.  Some of high rank officials from EU and Nato protest the actions agains georgia. After that Nato and EU send some supply, money and weapons to Georgia for losses. Maybe they ( nato ) offer a invitation to some former soviet republics ( like ukraine - georgia etc )

    And Nato stop the trust to russias interest about near future ( this is important ) at this region

    .. honest I don't expect more then this.

  5. Don't awake bear while it is sleeping.

    Trade with Russia, buy oil and gas. Sell cars and electronics.

    Make war in Afghanistan and Iraq, prepare war in Iran. But...

    But never come in Russia with weapon.  

    It will be dangerous for aggressors. Remember Napoleon, Hitler. Now, with Russian nuclear weapon there will be no chance to stay alive for all so called "civilised" countries.

  6. War with Russia will not happen.....If anything we would fund the georgians and push sanctions on the Russians!

  7. Well, first of all, if we were to get involved with that, we would very likely withdraw all forces from Iraq and many (if not all) from Afghanistan.

    It would be costly for both sides. However, the US would be fighting along side NATO and quire possibly much of the EU. At the end of the day, you'd have to chalk up another W for the US. But, such a conflict is very unlikely to happen.

  8. Well it would be very bloody. If it didn't go nuclear we would win eventually but it would cost us dearly to do so and Russia would be devastated.

  9. There will be no war with Russia.  

  10. Russia would not involve itself in military action unless pushed into it by another country or state.  

  11. We can't possibly come to their aid at this point militarily.  It's just not possible.  Russia might not be a superpower like it once was, but it is still a nuclear power (the 2nd biggest in fact) and actually has more nuclear warheads than we do.

    We need to focus now more on Ukraine and other baltic states that left the Soviet Union in the 90s.  Ukraine especially will need our help, in particular, NATO's help.  By offering protection, it will hopefully serve as a deterrent to future Russian invasions.

    Also keep in mind that the US spends over $500 billion annually in its armed forces.  Russia pales in comparison at only $30 billion.  In a long, drawn out fight that didn't involve nukes, we would eventually win but at a high cost.

  12. Russia went to war with Georgia because they don't get attention anymore. They are trying to show the world that they still need to be respected, and that they are still a power threat. Russia is trying to prove to the world that they are still a political power. Russia has been dismantled and they are not what they used to be. They can't find parts to fix their military craft. They struggle to afford fuel to get flying time for their fighter pilots. They are just in bad shape right now.

    This is why Putin is trying to establish the Russia of old. Did you notice that Putin never really left office in fact he created a new Dept. to keep him in the loop. I actually think he is pulling the strings of Russia's elected official. If only Russia would have adapted to capitalism like China did.

  13. Quote:

    Tina Zakharova, one of the doctors, pointed out chunks of shrapnel which had hit the building.

    "This is the humanitarian aid that Georgia sent us," she said, "and that," she said, pointing at a field hospital nearby, "is the help we received from Russia. Which do you think we should chose?" She added: "I've never heard anything so monstrous as people shelling a hospital."

  14. It would devastate both countries.

    Provided no nuclear weapons were used I think America has a better military and would win the war, but it would still ruin America

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