
What would be the very first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

by  |  earlier

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Say, you just won the lottery and after big brother takes his share you are left with 25 million dollars to blow. What would be the VERY FIRST thing you would buy or do?




  1. buy my mommy a furnished house and pay the taxes on it for the next 10 years. :) she deserves it!

  2. pay off all my gambling debts :-)

  3. hmm. I would buy what I want.  a blazing fast computer, new car maybe and some new kicks.

  4. The first thing I would do is take a shower and change my clothes because I probably crapped my pants. I'm sure we are all in aggreance here. : )

  5. The very first thing I would do is surprise my family with everything they would need and want to make life easier.

  6. $25 million you say, simple. Go to multiple banks and exchange my money for quarters. After acquiring the said change, I would ride to my nearest grocery store (and drive to others if I needed to) and buy 100 million gumballs... ;)

  7. take a week off and do nothing...why blow it! thats a lot of money to consider investing... first thing i would buy? a house!

  8. I'd buy this:

    Then I'd buy this:

    Then I'd hire a scary bodyguard:

    Then I'd take a vacation:

    Then I'd buy this:

    Then I'd do this:

  9. Buy a new House and Relax.

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