
What would be ur response if someone you had talked to for awhile told you this suddenly?

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Lets say u talked with someone for awhile and got close to them and you talked about getting together but then the person decided they didnt want to. Then it made things awkward and you decided not to talk to them much anymore because you found out the type of person they really are. Then suddently, that person starts emailing and messaging you about their new lover and how they did this and that. last night, that happened to me, this girl told me she had her first time with her gf. And I was just wondering why she even bothered to tell me. I just What are other things I can say if she continues or should I just block her? What would u have said? Shes getting annoying.




  1. shes probably trying to make you jealous.

    you should just ask her why she wanted to tell you in the first place.

    im sure it wasnt justt to make small talk.

    its really you decision if you want to keep talking to her or not.

    it seems kinda odd though that you'd choose to keep talking to something that annoys you.  

  2. Tell her to go **** herself.  

  3. you can be like "and i care because"...she'll prolly give you a reason and then u can branch off from there

  4. trying to makeu jelous just ignore her

  5. Well, I wouldn't say 'lol' because that's pretty juvenile and makes everything really awkward. I would have asked her why she was being so un-called for and messed up. I definitely don't think you should block her, not yet. If she continues, just be straight up with her. Why are you telling me some sh*t about your little girlfriend, because I didn't ask, and frankly, I don't like it. I'm sure she's just trying to get some emotion out of you by bragging about her new girlfriend.

  6. I say this ' look b1 tch you knew I had fallen for you and you knew my feelings about you so why the h**l would I be interested in who you are dating if it's not me. So no I'm not happy for you I hate it so unless you want to tell me you have made a mistake and it's me you want to be with shut up and stop e mailing me'

    How's that?

  7. It sounds like she wanted to brag to you, kinda rub it in your face, type thing.  I would block her if she continues.  No reason to keep talking to her.  

  8. say, i don't want to seem rude, but i really don't care.

    she really needs to get a life, she is trying to make you jealous i'm guessing. don't let it bother you, there's someone out there for you.

  9. well i wouldnt say anything.

    i would just get mad and tlk to myself prolly call her a ***** then get over it and ind someone new.

  10. if you are tired of her, yes block her or let her know taht oyu dont want to know about that.

    now, she may have told you repeatably because she wants to make you jealous. jealous of what you may ask, of her, of her relationship, of her losing her virginity, who knows, but something along those lines.

    id tell her to stop talking about that stuff so openly. someone may start a rumor or something.and that its getting annoying.

    talk to her and be honest with her is all you need to do.

  11. just tell her you don't feel comfortable having that kind of conversation with her... tell her you don't want to hear about it.. just like that..

    if she keeps telling you about all of those things.. you can tell her that you won't talk to her again if she keeps it up.. and if she doesn't get it, block her... if it's only on the internet, it's easy to handle.  

  12. I'd say f*****k, f*****k a duck, s***w a kangaroo, finger bang an orangutane, orgy at the zoo! ******.

    Or something like that.

  13. Ask her about it? Tell her it's a private thing and ask her why she bothered you with tmi.

  14. I'd be puzzled.

    Maybe she did not want to have a first time with you.

    It hurts to have that happen, I know from experience

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