
What would be worse?

by Guest56163  |  earlier

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A tough one:

1. Sarah Palin becomes VP, McCain dies and she becomes P

2. Jeb Bush becomes P (another Bush for another 8 years)




  1. The worst possible thing would be in Sarah Palin becomes Vice President, and then McCain dies and she becomes president. I don't think that she would make a good president!!!  

  2. 2

  3. hands down the bush one

  4. 1

  5. I'd have to say first one.

    As for the second one: Dear Lord no!

    They're both bad as I see it.

  6. number 2, for obvious reasons but also thats another name for poo.

  7. I'm going to say #2, because I can't imagine anything being worse than more Bush. That's why i'm voting Obama.

  8. 1.

    Jeb is not nearly as bad as his brother, neither a particularly comforting thought, however.

  9. 2!!!

  10. In either case, shoot me.

  11. Bush becomes P **** bushes i cant stand them and we should gve a women a chance we have  relied on white men always and what a woman is the best thing. mhm lol u never know

  12. Jeb Bush was our governor in Florida.  He did a good job.  We elected the wrong Bush to the White House.

    Sarah Palin will be fine.

    It's the guy talking change that worries me.  Most change is bad, like the 5 or so million people he will put out of a job.  

  13. 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  14. Oh, I just puked a little bit.  I lived in Florida during Jeb's "reign" and can tell you that as President he would make his brother look like JFK or Lincoln in comparison.  As for Palin....her ideas scare me so much (teaching creationism in public schools, banning books, etc) and her lack of ANY foreign policy experience would probably end America's 232 year history as we know.  She scares me that much.

  15. jeb bush!!!!! OMG i will shoot myself if that happens

  16. oh god....i guess #2 just because it would be another bush.  At least with Palin, she's new.

  17. 3. Both Palin and McCain die after they are elected and Pelosi becomes P

    Now, that's scary!

  18. Jeb Bush, h**l NO !

  19. palin hands down. i am sorry but we are in the middle of 2 wars and a failing economy, we are just inviting another terrorist attack with such inexperience in the president's seat. d**n, what was mccain thinking? he lost many voters with that decision, including me
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