
What would be your 3 main reasons why u should ban fast food?

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btw, i m writing a persuasive essay on fast food




  1. While most answers above are really unfounded.. as it doesnt matter if the fast food restaurant is there.. people will still eat that type of food if they desire.

    Here are some practical reasons for your essay:

    1. It takes away from the quality "dinner time" setting of a family sitting down for their food, together spending time with one another which is important in childhood development.. and family bonding.

    2. People eat fast.. eating fast is bad for your digestion and overall health. You also tend to eat more if you eat your meal quickly.

    3. It teaches children to make unhealthy food choices because of its convenience. Children should learn early on that eating at home is always more healthy and that dinning out should be a treat.. regardless of the type of restaurant you go to.

  2. The FAT


    The lack of nutrition labels on their products

  3. I don't care much for it myself, and we all know it's a horrible thing to consume. I wouldn't ban it though. Here's 3 reasons why:

    1. This is a free country. As crazy at it sounds, if we allow the government to ban fast food, we are losing a little piece of freedom. We have a CHOICE, and it's up to us to make the right one.

    2. It's nice to have a "guilty snack" every once in awhile. Lets face it, we all have our guilty pleasures. Some like chocolate, some like ice cream, and some like burgers and fries!

    3. Think of how many people would loose their job. Our economy is already slumping, and banning fast food wouldn't help, because it would leaves millions of Americans jobless.

    The answer isn't banning it. The answer is to convince the fast food chains that we can and will make healthier choices. This will hopefully convince them to change up the menu a little. I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but it's just my opinion.

  4. its gressy

    its unhealthy

    too many calories

  5. Its unhealthy.

    Its expensive.

    It tastes NASTY!!

    Absolutely the WORST food on the planet!

  6. Kudos to Munkees above. It is ridiculous to even consider banning an entire industry.  It's illegal, it's illogical, and it's not a solution.  The problems with fast food are with consumers, not the restaurants.  I don't understand why so many students these days are writing persuasive essays against fast food and not actually researching the realities of the problem. I guess someone always has to take the "con" position, but it's not a legitimate argument.

  7. Fat, Sodium, carbohydrates

  8. getting fat, unhealty, don't know wat they did with the food

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