
What would be your dream Amusement Park?

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What would be your dream Amusement Park?




  1. one that moved like a machine

    maxium riders per ride

    2-3 more trains

    some sort of entertainment during the wait

  2. My dream amusement park thankfully already exists.. it's called Cedar Point =D

  3. My dream amusement park to have all kinds of rides and attractions from all over the world, including ferris wheel, roller coaster, wet rides, haunted rides, arcades.

    Also, my dream amusement park will also has little small zoo little apart from amusement park and water rides.

    There will be amusement park shuttle provided by horse-drawn carriage, hayride, shuttle bus, tram, train.

    It will also has some character shaped.

    In another part of my Amusement Park, there will be "SUPER ROLLER COASTER."

    In this roller coaster, everyone has to pick their customes.

    This will also has stage for Wheel of Fortune, Jeorpady, Whammy!, Who Wants To Be A Millionare.

    Another stage will be for American Idols, So You Think You Can Dance, including for talent show for all ages.

    Another attraction is Magic Movie Roller Coaster Tour which takes you to movies depends on what roller coaster you take.

    If passenger takes Cardcaptor Roller coaster, it will take them to world of Cardcaptor Sakura and they could watch movies at same time as they having fun on roller coaster.

    This Amusement Park will be operate for 24-hours including for people and children who cannot spent in sun once summer starts including the cruise, swimming pools, pedal boat and rowboat activity, and summer camp with nature hikes included.

    During the winter, Amusement Park will be open for skate link.

    This will be cheap amusement park and strollers/wheelchair rentals are free charge.

    Free Locker rooms for backpacks and swimsuit will be included at rides like WET ride, roller coaster, spinning rides, swimming pool etc

  4. Wait Wait Wait!!  I thought the dream amusement park already existed?!  I mean, come on!  Cedar Point all the way!!!   There is no ride that can improve the park; the only thing that can would be no lines to wait in!!!

  5. My dream Amusement Park would be one with just the old-fashioned wooden roller coasters, lots of them. And maybe a few ferris wheels just to relax on.

  6. one with no lines and no waiting

    and its never too hot or too cold there

    and there's water rides and roller coasters

    and no rude people

    and not to much walking

  7. Pole Dancer Land.  (Soon to be replaced with Pole Dancer World)

  8. Cedar Point, empty, no one there but the ride operators and me, maybe my wife can come too.

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