
What would be your plan to help the US continue to have the largest economy?

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If I were president, I would try to eradicate national debt, or at least balance the budget by putting an additional two-and-a-half percent annual tax on everybody (five percent for people who have been to jail). That way our national debt would be gone possibly by twenty years (and China and India wouldn't become the richest countries, since their human rights are pretty bad). The US could then spend more on education and other important matters, like defense. I would also make sure that two percent of tax dollars that did not come from the additional taxing like mentioned above would be put towards getting rid of national debt and balancing the budget.

I would allow offshore oil drilling. We would then become one of the largest exporters. Think about it this way: once we make it safe to drill offshore, gas prices would be lowered to under four dollars a gallon and the US would be saving TRILLIONS. Possibly a few seeweed would be killed, but that's it....




  1. If we don't curb spending and balance our trade deficit, our economy isn't going anywhere.

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