
What would be your reaction if the following happened to you in a bar?

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Someone came up to you and wrote 'a smart leather wallet' on your forehead in thick black marker pen?




  1. I doubt if anyone could even get close enough to me and write that without dying a very painful death before succeeding. Unless..........unless I passed out at the bar.

    Which reminds me of an actual incident many years ago.

    I was in a bar and got wasted. After falling asleep on my bar stool, the nice people around me took off one of my shoes and painted my toenails pink. I thought it was kind of funny. Teaches you not to fall asleep in a bar. ;o)

  2. So personally i thinka better question is why did you let them get past the first "a" never mind all of that

  3. they wouldn't have a chance of doing that to me.  Obviously the person getting written woud is either stupid of extremely drunk.  I don't know anyone that would just stand there and let someone write on their face.  That's dumb.

  4. They wouldn't get the chance.

  5. I'd jam that thick black marker fair up their ***.

  6. I would probably flip out.

  7. file lawsuit for assualt. beets punching him/her and getting arrested for assualt ur self.

  8. No one would get close enough to me to do that... especially with a Sharpie.  Don't trust anyone with a gleam in their eye and a Sharpie in one of their hands.

  9. I'm not sure...... i would find it funny, someone just coming up and writing on my head (i would also look around for cameras and be sure not to swear).  But then i would probably get to thinking what it meant.... does this person think i am smart, do they think i have a face like leather??

  10. i dont think i'd have stood there and let someone draw on me, my reaction would be to grab the pen and ask what the **** they thought they were doing

    or they'd get ***** slapped

  11. hahaha i'd love to see Scott S running after some burly bloke trying to get his name and address so he can sue in the first place!

    I'd pretend to laugh about it, then begin to plot my vengeance...

  12. I would wake up, because i must have been fast asleep at the time.

  13. If said person managed to write such a statement I would take there keys so they couldn't drive home drunk. Then I would get a marker of my own perhaps stealing his and write the exast same thing on his or her forehead.

    Then I would leave the keys with the bartender and go home.

  14. Well, I wouldn't just sit there as they wrote all that on my forehead. I'd get away from them.  If they didn't leave me alone, I'd find the nearest bouncer or other employee.

  15. well they'd be knocked out by a headbutt by the time they had written the 'a'

  16. That`s a lot of letters to write on any forehead, by the time the idiot got to smart he would be down and out for the count.

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