
What would being an elementary school teacher be like?

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It seems like it would be fun. Would it be a good job for a guy? I like sports and I value free time. I've graduated with an Econ degree and I don't really have a proper job yet. I think I would like to travel and work overseas for a bit. Sometimes I think it would be interesting to be a doctor or pharmacist but that would require a lot of studying.




  1. My suggestion would be to volunteer in a school on a weekly basis - most schools have a volunteer program.  

    My other suggestion would be to read the book by Esme Raji Codell called, "Diary of a First Year Teacher". Hilarious and true look at teaching.

    You will not be workin for money if you are a teacher - you have to want it. It takes a lot of education. You need your teaching certificate and in some states need to continue on for a professional teaching certificate because it expires.  If you want to make a decent living then you will have to get a masters to accompany your teaching degree - education based of course.

    You will probably have an easy time getting hired because the profession needs men to be good role models.  

    You have to be willing to work and work hard. Your nights and weekends will be spent planning, shopping, grading, communicating with parents - essentially you will live and breath your students. You have technically 1 month off in the summer because the rest of the summer will be taking down, putting up your classroom and taking trainings and teacher workshops.

    It is fun ! So much fun and you can honestly say that you are making the world a better place and making a positive difference. Not many can say that about their occupation.

  2. Its great, if you like clinging, yelling, repeating, pee-smells, and random hugs...

    Jks...its great...very rewarding...

  3. In response to the answer above - observing is not enough.  You may be observing a teacher who has been doing it for years and makes it look easy.  Go in an volunteer to help with math, reading groups, etc.  You will get your own group of kids and you can judge for yourself.  Try different grades - 6th grade is completely different than Kindergarten.  On a positive note, we could use more male role models at the elementary level!  Good luck!

  4. Elementary, my dear Watson; elementary.

  5. Best way to find out....  go to a few of your local elementary schools and ask if you can observe for a couple of hours.   I thought I wanted to teach elementary or middle school until I started doing observations for my education classes.   I decided against it.

  6. I teach 3rd grade.

    I'm a former sergeant in both the Marine Corps, and then for a little while in the Army. I have tended bar, worked in a meat packing plant, been a process server and worked in construction.

    Besides being a Marine, nothing has been as tough or rewarding as being a teacher. Every year that goes by, I get a little better at it and enjoy it a little more.

    The time off in the summer is a nice bonus, but it's not a reason to get into the field. If you like the idea of waking up every morning and knowing that there are 25 young people who are counting on you to give them your best every single day, then you will probably do fine.

    It's not a job for everyone, but for the people who love it, there is nothing they would rather do.

  7. Well, I teach 2nd grade and had a male co-worker. He recvd lots of notes from the girls and was a star on the playground as well. As far as teaching goes it is fun and rewarding. Its takes alot of your time (planning,grading).Your bosses will not only be the principal but also the parents.since you don't have a teaching degree you would have to go in as a lateral entry teacher which means you would have to take some classes.Overall teaching is great because of the benefits and time off. Most of all you are making a difference each and everyday :)

  8. If you are fun, able to tolerate noise, understanding, patient and creative you would be good at it. You would need to prepare interseting lessons, seating charts and fun rewards and etc, You would have to deal with fights and have a blast at the same time.

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